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Jay's EDU 4 week ACT Camp for Feb 8 test

Jay's EDU가 2월 8일의 ACT 시험을 대비한 4주 ACT Camp / 특강을 개설합니다.

Jay's EDU launches a 4-week ACT Camp to prepare students for the February 8th ACT

대치동 특강과 다년간 수업을 통해 증명된 최고의 ACT 강의를 통하여 2월의 ACT에서 학생이 원하는 성적을 거둘 수 있는 최고의 기회입니다. 

It will be the best opportunity for the students to achieve the higher score at ACT in February through the best ACT lectures which have been proved through many years of experiences.

최신 기출 문제를 통한 최고 수준의 강의를 통하여 아이들의 실력을 집중적으로 향상시키는 좋은 기회입니다.

Also, the ACT Camp will be great opportunity to improve test taking skills and students’ score through the highest level of instruction with the latest ACT test questions.

아래의 양식을 작성하여 주시면, Jay’s EDU에서 연락드리도록 하겠습니다.

Please fill out the form below, and Jay’s EDU will contact you.

  • 4 week ACT CAMP - 1/13 (MONDAY) TO 2/7 (Friday)

    Every Monday / Wednesday / Friday, 8:30 - 9:50 P.M. @ Jay’s EDU Northbrook Campus

4 week ACT Camp Application Form

Jin Lee